By breaking into the servers, Coldstone was infected with a computer virus, which caused an internal struggle for over the body between the three spirits within the android. Months later, Xanatos reactivated Coldstone to steal technology from a competing company. Upon realizing the truth and joining the Manhattan Clan, he took a laser blast to the chest intended for Goliath from Demona and sunk to the bottom of the Hudson River. He was manipulated to attack the Manhattan Clan by Demona. Upon reanimation, he named himself Coldstone.

One-thousand years later, Coldstone was resurrected by Demona and Xanatos, using Steel Clan robot parts and the remains of Coldstone, his mate, and his evil brother from 994 AD. In 994 AD, Coldstone was shattered with his clan by Hakon and his Viking marauders.

Othello attacked Goliath, throwing aside his mate until she was able to make him see the truth behind their brother's lies.

Before the beginning of the series, the gargoyle later known as "Coldstone" was led to believe that his mate was having an affair with Goliath by his treacherous rookery brother.